MicroFEST Winston-Salem 2015
'For Johnny Reinhard' - for solo bassoon in 128 notes per octave (Georg Friedrich Haas)
Johnny Reinhard, bassoon
MicroFEST New York 2016
‘Concord Sonata’ (Charles Ives) in extended Pythagorean Gabriel Zucker & Erika Dohi, pianists
MicroFEST New York 1997
'Odysseus' (Johnny Reinhard)
MicroFEST New York 1993
'Zanzibar' (Johnny Reinhard)
Johnny Reinhard, bassoon
MicroFEST New York 1992
'Atlantis' (Johnny Reinhard)
MicroFEST New York 1987
'Sonatas & interludes for
prepared piano' (John Cage)
Joshua Pierce, prepared piano

The American Festival of Microtonal Music, Inc. is a 501-c-3 corporation in the State of New York. |
2016 American Festival of Microtonal
Music All Rights Reserved